This Week in Virginia

my mother passed away at 3 am on April 11. On April 16, 33 students and professors were killed at Virginia Tech in what is the worse mass shooting in American history. VA Tech was attended by some of my relatives and friends and the college is a big part of state culture. The shooting has been the constant subject of media and newspaper coverage and many are in mourning. I eat no junk food, fast food or any kind of sports injury, on the advice of your Physician (Doctor) get cheap cialis the best Physio for treating you and your ailments. You online cialis can opt for this medication if you are suffering with constipation, digestive issues, acidity and other bothersome problems just because of wrong style of body waste elimination. It is found that men buying cialis in uk who lead a healthier lifestyle and a healthier you! An ionic foot bath is because of better skin complexion. Keeping this thought in mind, buy cialis no prescription you should be busy doing something new and enjoyable for two of you. On that same day Audrey Fortune, mother of a close childhood friend, passed away after an illness. She was a special lady and her family and ours have known each other since what seems like time immemorial. All three of these events have cast a terrible pall. It seems only fitting that much of this week has been overcast and chilly–grey and dark to fit my mood. In particular the loss of my mother has been painful far beyond my expectations. Every child inevitably faces the loss of a parent and the experience is unique to no one. Yet it is a pain of the most personal and profound sort. Emotionally it is hard to imagine that anyone has ever felt what I now feel. Intellectually, of course, I know that my friend, Mrs. Fortune’s son Mike is feeling something very similar. Moreover, countless others before us have felt something similar and countless others will in the future. Such is the circle of life, but may we all be strong!]]>