For several months I’ve been working to raise funds for the Life is Good Kids Foundation to support children struggling to overcome life-threatening challenges. I pledged to raise $1000 and have successfully met that goal, even slightly exceeded it. Though I’ve not raised it to $1500 and there is still time to help, I thought it a good time to publicly acknowledge those who’ve helped me so far! The names below are listed according to the order in which I received their donations. Those who were the earliest to support me at at the top, and it continues on through the most recent.
I hope all of you on this list know how much this means to me. Thank you for supporting a good cause, but thank you, also, for responding so generously to my request.
- Sate Hamza
- Tom Goss
- Karim Zouiyen
- W. Joseph King
- Another Reybee Production, Inc.
- Kenny Peters
- Kendall Dumas
- Kim Allen Gleed
- Jeremy Marron
- Chris Phillips
- Stacey Lawson
- Steve Sunday
- Lewis Timberman
- Doug Toler
- Michael McKenna
- Anonymous
- Nicolas Pisano
- Nico Caputi
- Patrick Gallagher
- Brett Prejean
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Remember it’s not too late to give. You can send a donation online from this link. Those donations will be registered as solicited me. You can also support the foundation simply by purchasing tickets to next weekend’s Life is Good Festival just outside of Boston at the Blue Hills Reserve. Not a bad way to give!
The money all goes to the Life is Good Kids Foundation.
Find out more at their site!
One of the things that I think is most important about what the Foundation does is that they pick up where the emergency relief leaves off, along the Gulf Coast, in the inner cities, or with individual children affected by abuse, neglect or other life-threatening crisis. In one particularly compelling and somewhat unusual example, this past January, after the terrible earthquake,the Life is Good Foundation went to Haiti. Haiti had well over 380,000 orphans before the disaster, and many of them were already homeless and running the streets or Port-au-Prince. After the earthquake killed the massive numbers it did, estimate were in the range of 1 million. Those children are deeply traumatized. I believe strongly that Haiti’s future is jeopardized it those children are not able to overcome the psychological scars of the disaster they witnessed.
The Haiti initiative, in collaboration with other organizations, seems to have been exceptional. Most of their projects are in the United States. Here is the trailer for a film, A Break in the Clouds, about work in Mississippi after hurricane devastation.
It’s all very impressive. So once again, it’s not too late to lend your support. Please click here.