Tell the Senate to Pass Health Care Reform through Reconciliation

Health Care Reform Reality Check from the White House SiteThere is a letter circulating in the Senate calling on Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass the public health insurance option through “reconciliation,” which only needs a simple majority in the Senate, rather than the 60 vote “Super Majority.” It is maddening that the Democrats have 59% of the seats in the Senate and yet they can’t seem to control the agenda.
Go to this page to see if your Senator has signed and, if not, to sign the petition to ask them to to so. There is also a link to help you call you member of Congress.
Need more information about the Public Option?

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And here’s an interesting fact that few people realize, the filibuster and the 60 majority to break it is NOT enshrined in the Constitution and there are calls for reform.  This is Tom Udall on “It’s Time for the Constitutional Option.”
One last point, Mike Bennet (D-CO), the Senator who put forward the letter now circulating in the Senate, is now the object of an attack by the right-wing in his home state.  He’s being attacked in the press and media, and you can be sure they are martialing campaign funds to use against him. ActBlue, which bills itself as “The online clearinghouse for Democratic action,” allows you to support his campaign by donating online.