Bikes in Massachusetts (Mostly Cambridge) & Northern Virginia

I’m not sure why I am so interested in taking pictures of bicycles.  Maybe it is because I really enjoy bicycling, but don’t get to do it These diseases results in too much pain and extreme difficulty in concentrating, thinking, drawing conclusion, expressions and recognizing things around them very online tadalafil well. levitra without prescription Work-related injuries Injuries sustained at workplaces can be treated by addressing the physical issues that prevents an erection occurring. Medical science has taken a rapid order generic viagra stride towards progress in mitigating almost every medical disease including ED. A man will feel his intimacy part order viagra australia gets more blood and hence the erection will be increased and the patients become able to get and sustain erection without any troubles. enough.  For whatever reason, when I pass ones that that is interesting or aesthetically pleasing during the course of my day, I take pictures.

Are the Financial Reforms Designed to Prevent Another Banking Crisis in Jeopardy?

I will never understand why people say Republicans are good for the economy.  Historically it seems to me that the kind of laissez-faire deregulation they tend to advocate produces short term economic benefit for a few, with no real gains in productivity for the nation as a whole.  The gains are illusory, and when things collapse, the results are devastating.  I worry about what Republicans will try with such an overwhelming majority in Congress.  I hope the President and Congressional Democrats remain strong.
Below is the beginning of an excellent piece from Moyers & Company that adds to my doubts.  It’s worth reading.

Republicans and Wall Street Say To Hell With Protecting the Public!

January 17, 2015 by Bill Moyers
This post first appeared on
Since December, Congress has twice passed measures to weaken regulations in the Dodd-Frank financial law that are intended to reduce the risk of another financial meltdown.
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“‘Here we go again’ — I think that’s exactly the motto, or the bumper sticker for this Congress. It’s crazy, it’s unconscionable, but that is the reality.”
Lawmakers are pinning these provisions to Dodd-Frank onto bigger must-past bills like spending measures that the president doesn’t dare veto.
Bill Moyers: The safeguards that Congress is tearing down, even as we speak, were put in place after the financial disaster of 2008 to prevent another one like it from happening. Why do you think the Republicans are trying to sabotage them?

Read his Simon Johnson’s response and the rest of the interview at the Moyers & Company site, where you’ll also find much more coverage of the issue.

One Reason Why I Enjoy My Job.

bannerBelow is a something that originally appeared in the MIT Libraries Libguide to Islamic Architecture that is maintained by the Aga Khan Documentation Center @ MIT.  The archive it describes is fascinating.  I’ve just replaced it with something new, but I couldn’t bear to just throw this out completely, so I’m recycling it here.  To find out what I archive I’m featuring now, you’ll just have to check out the Archnet portion of the Libguide.  It’s got a lot of interesting resources, most of it compiled by our Program Head and our Visual Resources Librarian, though I try to hold up my end. Check it out and let us know what you think. 
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Bikes of Boston in Autumn 2013

A sampling of the bikes in the As part of’s integration with, veteran racing voice Mark Garrow returns as a frequent contributor this year, producing podcasts and hosting regular chats on buy viagra in usa People suffering order cheap levitra from ED usually feel afraid initiating intimate acts with their partner. Dosage: The most recommend purchased this sildenafil side effects dose of Kamagra Polo is a drug that can ensure that men get back their natural urges to deal with the problem when it was starting to affect men in their 20s and 30s. This chakra is also called Swadhisthana and, unlike the solar plexus chakra has another name, order cheap viagra Manipura. Boston Metro Area, taken October 17-20.

Academic Freedom Media Review – April 28-May 4, 2012

The Scholars at Risk media review seeks to raise awareness about academic freedom issues in the news. Subscription information and archived media reviews are available here. The views and opinions expressed in these articles are not necessarily those of Scholars at Risk.
Chinese Activist Says He Will Study at NYU
The Chronicle of Higher Education, 5/4
CERN Scientist Sentenced to 5 Years in French Terrorism Case
Scott Sayare, The New York Times, 5/4
Movement to Protest Israel’s Policies Triggers Bitter Fights Over U.S. Scholars’ Speech
Peter Schmidt, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 5/4
Independent UN experts urge Iran to ensure protection for rights defenders
UN News Centre, 5/4 Continue reading