Culture Jamming Anti-Ads

These are spoof ads from Adbusters Magazine,

a not-for-profit, reader-supported, 120,000-circulation magazine concerned about the erosion of our physical and cultural environments by commercial forces.

I think they are amazing. Funny, yet tragic. They point out the absurdity of advertising that promises to fulfill all our desires and yet only creates and enlarges desires that can never be filled.
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Avoid Black Friday Traffic and Crowds: Celebrate Buy Nothing Day

November 27 is Buy Nothing Day, a day to escape the consumerist madness of the holiday season by simply pledging to not take part in it. Avoid the holiday madness. Don’t get up at 4 am to make it the “After Thanksgiving Sale” at the local superstore. Read a book, take a bike ride, play a game, shoot some hoops, call old friends, meditate, do volunteer work or find some other activity that doesn’t add to the waste in our garbage dumps, exploit workers in the developing world or contribute further to the mountains of consumer debt so many struggle with.
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