OK, I changed my mind!

Before I get back to work, I feel I need to take a moment and state openly that I was wrong about the health care reform bill. It is bad, evil and scary. Had I been watching wall to wall coverage of Congress like all good Americans should, I would have know that. Fortunately, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report caught me up to speed last night.
First there was this clip:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Back in Black – Stickle Me Elmo
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Political Humor Health Care Crisis

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I mean COME ON PEOPLE! What about the children? Maddy says don’t pass this reform. Please don’t make Maddy cry!
But what really clinched it for me was when I heard Stephen Colbert play back a snippet of the warning North Carolina Congresswoman (R) Virginia Foxx made about the dangers of the Health Care Reform Bill that just passed in the House. She said, “I believe we have more to fear from right now from the potential of that bill passing than we do from any terrorist in any country.” Now that is scary!!! The terrorists must be pro universal health care. Now I understand why we need to stop it.  A victory for health care reform is a victory for the terrorists!  Lets hope that the legislation gets blocked in the Senate.
Just in case it doesn’t, I started looking for places I can move to that don’t have universal health care. There’s not a lot of them. Even the poorest countries make a valiant effort, damn them. There has got to be some backwater, third world, war torn cesspool where I can be safe from the tyranny of universal heath care.