Consumers Union Seeks Support for Last Chance Effort on Health Care Reform

HospitalI got this today from Consumers Union Action Fund. It’s worth passing along.
Dear Michael,
In just days, the future of your health care could come down to only one vote.
We’re at a turning point with the Senate bill. The voice of real people must be heard to make sure the bill emerges with the protections that give you freedom and security rather than endless financial uncertainty.
The Senate bill will expand coverage and save lives–but it can and must be improved. The fact remains, if the Senate bill dies in the next week, we can’t fight on to make the final bill better as the process continues. A defeat in the Senate only serves the giant insurance companies, who will continue denying you coverage, denying you care when you need it, and making big profits doing so.
The vote is in days and is not a lock! Give $5 so we can help get that 60th YES vote.
The best way to push reluctant Senators to vote YES on real health reform is to make sure they know their own constituents expect them to stand up to the insurance giants.
So Consumers Union is:

  • running TV ads in their home states to put Consumer Reports trusted brand behind the call for reform–and we want to keep them on the air;
  • knocking on doors urging residents to call their Senators for a YES vote;
  • connecting real people with local and national reporters to keep the focus on their real problems;
  • joining other groups to formally press them to finish;
  • helping to build momentum for a final bill that’s even better for consumers.
  • We already know that Aetna is willing to raise premiums for greater profits, even if it means 650,000 people lose coverage. If we don’t move forward, that trend will continue.

It’s now-or-never, and with just $5 from thousands of people like you, we can win now!
You have worked too long and too hard throughout your life to let the promise of health-care freedom slip away with one vote.
If you can’t afford to give, please forward this to others who might be able to help. This is one of the most important moments in our nation’s history – deciding whether every American should be treated fairly when it comes to their health – and we appreciate all you have done to get us here.
Kathy Mitchell
Consumers Union Action Fund, Inc.
506 W. 14th Street, Suite A
Austin, TX 78701
Now, on another note, I have a request for all of you opponents of health care reform. You have every right to speak your mind and to use every means at your disposal to resist whatever legislation might wend its way through Congress, but by and large proponents of reform have kept the debate civil. Please extend the same courtesy. To compare our efforts to make sure that no American ever fails to seek or is turned away from proper health care services because of inability to pay to Nazism is not only wrong and insulting, it is deeply offensive and it is not helpful. And to compare the legitimately elected President of this democratic republic to one of the worst tyrants of the modern era shows a terrible lack of patriotism. It shuts off all debate. But you don’t really seek debate, do you? No, you are great advocates for democracy, as long as your man wins!

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