Using the BP Crisis for Political Gain

The Daily Show holds them accountable again.  Did you catch this segment last night? Say something one day, contradict yourself another and, in general, the media lets them get away with it. Not the Daily Show. Yay Jon!

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Day 62 – The Strife Aquatic
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

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So politicians flip-flop according to the political breeze from one day to another. No big surprise. But Joe Barton’s assertion that the administration should apologize for “shaking down” BP was only the most shocking moment in a charade during this completely absurd hearing.
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Respect My Authoritah on The Daily Show

Jon Stewart did a segment on tonight’s Daily Show that made me laugh but also incredibly sad at the same time.  It contrasted the rhetoric of candidate Obama with some recent policy decisions continuing to deny prisoners the right to challenge their detention in court (habeus corpus), continuing to send prisoners to foreign countries where they can be interrogated by harsher means than allowed here (extraordinary rendition), invoking “State Secrets” to protect sensitive information, rethinking when prisoners need to read Miranda rights and even prosecuting whistle blowers.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Respect My Authoritah
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

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Academic Freedom Media Review, May 29 – June 4

May 29 – June 4, 2010
Compiled by Scholars at Risk

Public conversation on universities is welcome
W. Salters Sterling, The Irish Times, 6/3
Catholic University of Ukraine and the Security Service of Ukraine
Philip J. Crowley, Press Release Bureau of Public Affairs, 6/2
Union challenges new visa system
The UK Press Association, 6/1
Jefferson v. Cuccinelli: Does the constitution really protect a right to “academic freedom”?
Dahlia Lithwick and Richard Schragger, Slate Magazine, 6/1
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Lest We Forget – An iMix + Videos

Memorial Day, a day on which we honor those who’ve served their country, always feels much more solemn to me than the way we celebrate it, with picnics and long weekends at the beach. People are maimed and killed in wars, and it is too often unnecessary.
American soldiers should never be put in harm’s way until it is absolutely necessary, and our mighty arsenal ought not be employed against any nation except as a last resort. The sacrifice a soldier makes, especially now that the armed forces are all volunteer, is a noble one. We should always remember that.
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Stop this Dangerous Rhetoric

A drive for signatures on a petition from Credo says that in his new book FOX News contributor Newt Gingrich compared President Obama’s administration to Nazi Germany saying that his “secular-socialist machine represents as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union once did.”
If anyone has read this book, I’d be interested in knowing how Gingrich defines socialism. It is an oft repeated charge, and I don’t understand it, because this country has a long way to go before it even become a “mixed” economy. Even the health care reform measures that passed recently will work through private insurance! Essentially the new policies of the administration check the excesses of capitalism, no more and no less. It has been acknowledged since the first recession of the Modern era that this is necessary.
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What were Tuesday's Elections About?

There is no doubt that there is a lot of frustration across the country with Washington. There always is some simmering level of it. It’s in the nature of the American psyche to be suspicious of the establishment. But in their analysis of a small number of off-year and off-season election results on Tuesday, the media has really overstated the case. They’re looking for a story, I suppose. In fact, I don’t think that was much of an issue at all.
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Scholars at Risk Academic Freedom Media Review, April 24-30

Academic Freedom Media Review
April 24 – 30, 2010
Compiled by Scholars at Risk
Scholar wages FoI battle for bank collapse data
Melanie Newman, The Times Higher Education, 4/29
Studying global universities
Glenn C. Altschuler, The Boston Globe, 4/29
Pakistan university mourns murdered woman professor
BBC News, 4/28
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Dear Birthers…

I doubt any documentation would satisfy them.

Dear “birthers”,
Mercifully, you are less present in the news these days, but every once in a while some item passes before my eyes and penetrates my psyche to annoy me again. The fact that Hawaii is still so overwhelmed with requests for the President’s already published birth certificate that the legislature has passed a law authorizing “any Hawai’i department to ignore repeated requests for information from the same person if the department already has responded within a year,” is one example. (
Ordinarily I would applaud your sense of civic involvement. If a citizen suspects something is afoul, it’s noble to root it out. But there’s also a time to give up and accept that all the evidence should not only lay your suspicions to rest, but also tuck them in and sing a lullaby. In this case that time was about 15 months ago immediately after the President took the Oath of Office. But you can’t give up and I’m now starting to take your wacko claims personally, an implicit insult to my intelligence.
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Here we go again!

A new attack ad targeting three Democratic senators and one Republican criticizes “hidden taxes on … pensions and retirement accounts” in the financial regulation legislation being considered by Congress, and urges the senators to “vote against this phony financial reform.”
The ad gives a false impression. The Senate bill doesn’t contain the tax mentioned in the ad.
(It) is the work of a less-than-transparent group calling itself “Stop Too Big To Fail,” which says its $1.6 million ad buy is targeting senators in Nevada, Virginia and Missouri (Sens. Harry Reid, Mark Warner, Claire McCaskill and Kit Bond).

So begins a April 23, 2010 posting from Fact…
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What's Wrong with Arizona?

It’s refreshing to see the media doing their job from time to time.  Notice how carefully Arizona State Representative Cecil Ash avoids saying that he believes President Obama was born in the United States of that the President’s birth certificate is legitimate, and how Anderson Cooper presses him to clearly define his position, without being unnecessarily rude or confrontational.