Save "The Black Donnellys"

NBC nixed The Black Donnellys with a real cliff hanger of a finale, and that wasn’t nice. It wasn’t really a surprise, though. the show had low ratings and the critics didn’t like it either. They were all wrong. This was a damn good show. It had a cast a new faces who proved themselves to be remarkably convincing in their roles, it had a well written script that somehow kept itself in line with network standards without seeming too unrealistic, and a plot that was poignant and affecting. If you haven’t seen the show, check it out. You can download it from Itunes or stream them from the NBC web site. The first season has also been picked up by HDNet. Now there is also a campaign to Save The Black Donnellys. They hope to get a second season aired and are hoping HBO will pick it up. They believe that NBC alienates audiences with panic over cancellations and that it fails to give quality shows a chance to succeed. (There is some truth to this. NBC alienated me in 1999 when it messed around with one of my favorite shows, Freaks and Geeks essentially sabotaging it by putting it on haitus and moving it around in the lineup after just a few episodes, then canceling it far to early.) They believe that HBO will welcome a show of this caliber and that the harsh themes and grit of the show will be more at home there, as well. They may be right.
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I’ll send a letter to the President of HBO Entertainment. What can it hurt? And that season finale was something else. We gotta know what happens to Helen Donnelly!
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