Justin Timberlake to Play Social Networking Entrepeneur

There have been a lot of reports about a new movie about the beginning of Facebook, most of which have focused on the film’s star. I’m more intrigued by the writer. Sports Night, The West Wing, even the ill-fated Studio 60, Sorkin has given us a lot of good entertainment.
BBC News reports:

Film trade paper Variety said the singer would play Sean Parker, who became Facebook’s founding president.
David Fincher is directing The Social Network, which was scripted by The West Wing‘s Aaron Sorkin.
Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield have also been lined up to star in the project, which starts filming next month in Boston.
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Sean Parker

Sean Parker

Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake

Opening sequence from the first episode of the first season of Studio 60 Live from the Sunset Strip. Small wonder the show didn’t last on network tv.

At Last….. And About Time

iPhone App Sync

iPhone App Sync

Before you read this post, click on this YouTube link and just let the song play in another tab or window. It’s a romantic song, and lyrically not particularly appropriate to this post about the iPhone, but it is a great song that captures the feeling of finally getting something you have desired for a long time, and this version of the was a wonderful discovery for me when I first heard it. So while we can’t compare iPhone features to true love, let that be the soundtrack for this post.
Because I am thrilled to discover that Apple and AT&T are finally bringing to my iPhone two things that I’ve wanted since I got the phone and started playing with all those “apps.” Don’t you just love the apps? They are incredibly useful, or incredibly addictive, I’m not sure which. But almost immediately I ended up with screen after screen of them on my phone.
And the apps just kept coming. It seemed like there was a specific app for everything. And so many of them were so brilliant. I had to have them on my phone. Who knew when I might need the First Aid app. If friends visited or I ever got around to taking that walking tour, the Boston GPS tour would be useful to have. Of course Shazam is a necessity. How else am I supposed to identify that song I hear? Ask someone? That might lead to a conversation and I can’t have that. Then there’s my banking app, my foreign language vocabulary builders, Doodle Buddy, the guide to AAA Discounts, and the Roadside Assistance app. I could go on, but you get the point. If I want to do it, there’s an app for it and I want to do a lot. You get the point. Some apps on my phone I would be very grateful to have even if I used them only once in an emergency, others I use often, but a lot of them never got used beyond the brief period of initial fascination.
I didn’t mind having screen after screen, but I wanted to organize them, and it was a pain to do so. I had to select the icon, hold it and drag it from screen to screen. Inevitably I would drag it to far. It displaced the icon in the bottom right if the page was full, so you had to make sure that was an undesirable app. Why oh why can’t I just reorder the icons in iTunes, I wondered. It seemed so logical.
Well with iTunes 9 you can. You can reorder icons on a page, move icons between pages and even move pages around. So now you can put your most commonly used icons on the first pages, the less frequently used ones on later pages. Or maybe you want to organize apps by function: games, time management, communications, etc. Maybe you just want to order them by the color of the icons, so that all the ones that are mostly blue, your favorite color, are on the first page. And if your friends notice that and ridicule you, it is now very easy to reorder everything!

Of course making all this easier means that AT&T and Apple are enabling my iPhone app addiction. But I am pretty sure that is their plan.
The second great thing takes us iPhone users just a little bit out of our own special networks and lets us connect more with the rest of humanity. Starting this Friday, the 25th, we will be able to send MMS messages to other people. MMS simply means multimedia messaging service and it refers to messages containing video, images, sound or even formatted text. iPhone users in the US haven’t been able to do that and have had to content themselves with improvised solutions using email or other workarounds. So unless our friends and family had a mobile device that had the ability to access email, we generally couldn’t send them those on the spot pictures when they were out and about. Now we will be able to, starting this Friday. That also means our friends can send them to us. Yeah! It’s about time.
These disorders can be removed discount cialis in the course of time the medicine gets enough time to function properly and show the best possible results. After that, we have found some of the other form of Kamagra that is Kamagra online purchase of cialis oral jelly. It improves stamina, strength and muscle viagra from canada pharmacy mass. viagra brand 100mg Unlike antidepressants for depression, they don’t have side effects, and you have to try it for yourself. This was one of the features touted when the iPhone 3G was announced, but even though our phones could do it, our network couldn’t. AT&T wasn’t up to the iPhone’s abilities.
One of the really useful features of the iPhone 3GS is that it finally allows tethering. To quote the Apple site

Now you can share the fast 3G connection on your iPhone with your Mac or PC and connect to the Internet from just about anywhere — no Wi-Fi required.

Then, in much smaller print,

Tethering is not currently offered in the U.S. and some other countries. See your carrier for availability.

It had been rumored this would also be available in the fall. Perhaps it will, but it will not be part of the 9/25 roll out. Apparently it is a bandwidth issue. The AT&T network just isn’t up to it.
When that does become available, all will be well in the world. Well, when they do that and improve their network coverage. Then all will be right. Ok, maybe not all, but at least with my mobile phone service.

Happy Birthday, Bruce!

Bruce turns 60 today! Springsteen has provided the soundtrack for an awful lot of my life and have found it almost uncanny the way his music somehow matched whatever I was going through during a given period in my life. I have seen him in concert multiple times throughout the years, most recently in Hyde Park this summer. He was amazing, just as he has been so many times during the past decades.
So happy birthday, Mr. Springsteen! And thanks!
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Can Social Networking Redraw Boundaries?

In cyberspace there are no boundaries or frontiers, yet it has a lot to say about borders and boundaries.  Not only is it used as a vehicle for nationalist, minority and anti-nationalist communication and propaganda, but there are attempts to actually assert borders in cyberspace.  There are national domain name extensions and ISPs are regulated by national agencies.  Anyone who has traveled just across the border to Canada or Mexico knows, you don’t have to go very far before you are off network if you try to use a mobile computing device and hence begin to incur massive international data charges.
Authoritarian regimes, in particular, attempt to assert national control through censorship, blocking access to politically sensitive or even morally offensive sites, at least as they see them.
Here, though, are two cases in which sites that have an international user base took decisions relating to territories in dispute.  The policies they came up with are interesting and probably the best available, given the status of these territories under international law.  All the major social networking sites are, in a very real sense, transnational.
In the case of the Gloan Heights, for example, Syrians resident there may belong to Syrian nationalist groups and Israelis there to comparable Israeli groups, but unlike what happens at the actual boundary between the Golan Heights and Israel or even in everyday life, they might also interact easily in in other groups because there are no documents or visas required.  Individuals in the network may see their location as a reflection of identity, but they may also see it simply as a geographic indicator. That background is what makes these cases so interesting.
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While Facebook is busy increasing our awareness of other people’s lives around the world, it stamps on globally sensitive nerves with one apparently very simple question: where do you live? Last week it started a controversy when it allowed residents of the Golan Heights to choose whether they lived in Syria or Israel. To put this in context: Israeli forces invaded and occupied the area in 1967, capturing it from Syria. They’ve controlled most of the area since. (The UN considers Golan a illegitimate part of Israel, and labels it Israeli-occupied territory.) But apparently Facebook considers itself an important enough global player to offer a re-drawing of the map. It’s not the first time: Facebook deems people in Kashmir as residents of India, though Pakistan and India control different portions of the embattled region, which has been in dispute for decades.

What do you think?  Social networking is a powerful thing and potentially and excellent tool for cross cultural interaction.  So I’m very interested in seeing how this plays out in the real world.  Read more at Could Social Networking Change the World.

Global Tweets

Global Tweets

Road House Sun

Ryan Bingham has spent most of his life on the road, first on the rough-and-tumble rodeo circuit, then moving from town to town on the equally volatile roadhouse musical circuit. Those travels have given him plenty of material to draw from – and plenty of reason to stop for a moment to dig in his heels and take a stand.

His first album was remarkable, the new one is amazing! Some songs are hauntingly beautiful, others political, and a few just music for a good time. But it quickly become apparent that the album may be Roadhouse Sun, but Ryan Bingham is not just a Roadhouse singer. Judge for yourself.

Snake Eyes
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Mr. Dylan’s Hard Rain

Music publishers: iTunes not paying fair share

I should have a category in the blog called “Are you F—ing kidding me!”  I could use it to include things like some of the right-wings arguments against health care reform, the conspiracy theories of the “Birthers” and this little doozy right here, reported on CNET.

Songwriters, composers, and music publishers are making preparations to one day collect performance fees from Apple and other e-tailers for not just traditional music downloads but for downloads of films and TV shows as well. Those downloads contain music after all.
These groups even want compensation for iTunes’ 30-second song samples.

Royalties on song samples?  Are you F—ing kidding me?  To be fair, the way in which composers and songwriters are compensated when their music is used in movies on televison is complicated and not entirely fair to them.  But to even suggest that they might deman royalties on previews and clips is just foolish.  Talk about shooting themselves in the feet.
How else do they expect the full length TV shows and movies featuring their material to sell, let alone their songs themselves? In the digital age the last thing you want is to place any barriers to the distribution of trailers and clips.  They don’t compromise revenue, they enhance it.  You want those things to go viral.
However, the reality is much more diverse. tadalafil tablets 20mg This unica-web.com free viagra in canada medication work to open the partially blocked coronary arteries. These medications inhibit 5a-reductase, which in turn inhibits production of DHT, growing older guys tend to shed their hair quicker compared to females. viagra india Diabetes and kidney purchase viagra uk diseases may induce erectile dysfunction or impotence. Why did I go see a movie as bad as Snakes on a Plane when I knew I probably wasn’t going to like it?  Because I had seen those clips from it everywhere and my curiosity was piqued.  Why were there snakes on the plane?  And that brief scene of Sam Jackson yelling how he was tired of the snakes was emblazoned enough that I just really wanted to see how it fit in.  So I went.  The movie was terrible.  Really terrible, just as my better judgment expected.  But viral marketing did the trick and got me to shed my $10.
Plus there is the ill will that even making such a suggestion generates.  By many estimates, more than 90% of music downloads are “illegal.”  This practice will never be stopped through law enforcement strategies.  Law enforcement can’t even stop the buying and selling of marijuana and a much smaller percentage of the population smokes pot than does the percentage that downloads music illegally.  In fact, many people that do it don’t even understand the difference between legal and illegal downloads.
So the best strategy the recording industry has is one of public education and cultivation of good will, i.e. helping people understand which downloads are which and how artists are affected when their material is downloaded through illicit channels.
But how likely is the public to care about any of that when the industry is charging them for what is, in effect, advertising?

Stacie Nevadomski Berdan: No More Cuts! Keep Foreign Languages in Schools

In “No More Cuts! Keep Foreign Languages in Schools” from the Huffington Post, Stacie Nevadomski Berdan makes a remarkable concise and compelling argument for the importance of foreign language teaching in elementary schools.  She really drives the point home in the following paragraphs.

In the global financial crisis, Americans learned that — for the first time — the so-called developing world surged past the developed world in its share of global productivity; Americans are learning that we can no longer afford to ignore China, Russia, India or Brazil. When today’s kids grow up, they are as likely to be competing for jobs in and with people from Beijing or Brasilia or Bangalore as from Boston or Baton Rouge. In our ever-shrinking world, global experience will continue to move from “nice” to “must-have” for career success.
At stake is nothing less than our ability to compete successfully in the raw global arena, and one of the deciding factors will be American professionals’ ability to speak strategic foreign languages.
However, because studies show that language learning comes more easily to those whose brains are still in the development phase — up until roughly 12 or 13 years of age — when we cut language programs from elementary schools, we are inhibiting bilingualism in future adults. We comfort ourselves with the unrealistic expectation that students will learn in high school or college. But that is unlikely to happen due to the increased difficulty in language learning as we get older. Arguably, bold and innovative new methods of teaching foreign language are needed now more than ever – and instituted in schools as early as kindergarten.

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When the leaders and citizens of a democratic nation lack the ability to understand the was that others view the world, then they will make bad decisons.  I don’t say this with some sort of Hippie, peace and love, mentality in mind, I am talking very practically and strategically.  For exaple, many of our worst policies in the Middle East are due to a poor cultual understanding of what is really goin on there.
As the world becomes more and more interconnected, it becomes all the more imperative that Americans be ready to encounter the other on their terms.  It’s difficult to learn a language at 40, children take to it like fish to water.  Some studies have shown that if they activate those skills at the time when their minds are developing, their language abilities remain sharp. Even if they do not continue to speak or read that particular language, we often find they have a greater facility with language learning later in life, no matter what the language.
Interesting, no?  I can’t find the studies now and it is late, so I’m not going to look more.  But if anyone has thoughts, I’d love to hear them.

Why the White House is Hiring a Social Media Archivist

What a great post!  In her post Why the White House is Hiring a Social Media Archivist, Christina Warren writes about the White House search for a social media archivist, explaining that the Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978 made the records of the President public and mandated that they by filed with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).  Now collecting those records has never been easy, but over the years procedures have been worked out.
Now, however, it is a whole new ball game.  This administration has begun to make use of online social networking tools.  Though their efforts have been a bit clumsy, they have been successful enough to pose new problems.

as White House (and by extension, the Executive Office of the President) communication extends into areas of social media, that presents new challenges in archiving things like blog postings, Twitter messages, YouTube videos and so-on. This content, plus the comments and replies associated with them (think letters to the President) all need to be archived under the PRA.

And so the White House is seeking bids from an outside contractor to do that for them.  But what I really liked was the way the post brought the issue back down to our level.

As social media becomes a more integral part of how the government communicates, saving that data and making sure it is accessible and recorded in the proper context for the future becomes more and more important.
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Do you preserve your own lifestreaming data? What about your company? What do you think needs to be done to make archiving social media streams more accessible?

It’s such a good question.  I don’t plan on hiring a social media archivist anytime soon, but it does give me pause.  I still have boxes of letters from when I was in Morocco and reading them brings back a lot of memories.  How will I ever do that with cyber correspondence which, ultimately, is save on servers no even on my control.  Hmmm?
What do you think?  Respond here or continue the discussion at Christina’s post.

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