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Two conference centers set on and among two hills of very different character, mind you. The conference center in Oran is an old stone fort built by the Spanish and set high on a rugged mountain over looking the city on a devoid of trees and perhaps made to appear all the higher and rugged because of that, with steep jagged slopes that hurtle down into the Mediterranean sea.
The Mount Hope facility at Williams College, on the other hand, is the manor house of an old estate, probably 19th century. It is nestled among the greenery and rolling hills of the Appalachian mountains in Western Massachusetts. It is grand and stately and some might say a bit cold because of that, but it has none of the stark austerity of the old fort in Oran. But neither has internet access and both make great retreat centers in that they cut you off a bit from the world and compel you to focus on the task at hand. It was tough for me at both events because I really needed to be multitasking and planing for the summer seminar, but it was probably good for the events themselves. It is just too bad the Oran facility isn’t out of cell phone range though. At least 4-5 cell phone went off during the opening session of the AIMS conference on Ottoman influences in the Maghrib.
Well, those are my random thoughts from my seat on United 105. (Uploaded after landing, of course!)]]>
Monthly Archives: June 2007
The View from a Mountain Above Oran
This rather spectacular image is a view of the Santa Cruz Church in Oran from the top of Mount Abdelkader just above the church. I was in Oran for only three days at the beginning of June to attend the annual conference of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies. Next Year’s conference will be in Tunisia and it will be on Maghribi cinema. I will be organizing the program with Joelle Vitiello from the French Department at Macalester. There is a disease of viagra ordination erectile dysfunction is a very common male sexual disorder. It works by expanding the cheapest online viagra conduits in the penis with the help of special physical exercises. Therefore, diabetics should always make good choices of the generico levitra on line foods that they eat. The sciatica nerve can become irritated if you have piriformis syndrome or sacroiliac joint dysfunction where one will levitra 20mg also experience pain down the back of the leg. It should be exciting.
North African cinema, especially in Morocco, has really come into its own in recent years. Perhaps I’ll have occasion to say more on that in subsequent postings. ]]>
Tous Pour Tanger
This past week I went back to Tangier, Morocco for the first time in eight years. It was a bitter sweet experience. I saw old friends whom who are very dear to me and who I miss immensely, but I barely had time to say hello during the course of a two day visit. I did take note of changes in a city that looks quite a bit different than it did when I was last there as a student in the AIMS summer Arabic program of 1999, the summer Hassan II died, in fact. For example, this image here is of the Grand Soco which, at that time, was really just a dirty, run down, cracked pavement circle with a bit of wild green growth at the center. As you can see, it is lovely now. They have now become first preference by buy tadalafil cialis males suffering from ED. What kind of scams can you encounter from these male enhancers? Get an increase of more than 2 inches in penis size – In reality, you can really achieve an increase in penis size with the right kind of treatment for it. viagra sales canada Then there is the fact that an instance of ED manages to heighten that anxiety. viagra australia mastercard Benefits of skin whitening injections It is hard to narrate all the benefits of whitening discount generic cialis injections. The decaying buildings around it have also been shored up and painted.
It seems that these changes have also made residents feel more invested in the city. There is less trash in the streets and people seem to take better care of their surroundings. If you ever get a chance you should visit. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Tous pour Tanger!]]>