This rather spectacular image is a view of the Santa Cruz Church in Oran from the top of Mount Abdelkader just above the church. I was in Oran for only three days at the beginning of June to attend the annual conference of the American Institute for Maghrib Studies. Next Year’s conference will be in Tunisia and it will be on Maghribi cinema. I will be organizing the program with Joelle Vitiello from the French Department at Macalester. There is a disease of viagra ordination erectile dysfunction is a very common male sexual disorder. It works by expanding the cheapest online viagra conduits in the penis with the help of special physical exercises. Therefore, diabetics should always make good choices of the generico levitra on line foods that they eat. The sciatica nerve can become irritated if you have piriformis syndrome or sacroiliac joint dysfunction where one will levitra 20mg also experience pain down the back of the leg. It should be exciting.
North African cinema, especially in Morocco, has really come into its own in recent years. Perhaps I’ll have occasion to say more on that in subsequent postings. ]]>