The Writers Guild of America remains on strike, but it has been announced that The Daily Show and Colbert Report will return to the air on January 7. This is great news. I’m not sure they should have been allowed to strike to begin with. I support the writers strike in general, don’t get me wrong. But firefighters, police, ambulance drivers and, in some places, teachers, garbage collectors and other essential public servantsare not allowed to strike. That is what the writers of the Daily Show and Colbert Report are, essential public servants. No one else challenges the pomposity and hypocrisy of our public officials and media in quite the same manner.
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Seriously though, it will be interesting to see how the two shows handle things when they are back on the air. Stewart and Colbert will both want to respect the strike, themselves being members of the union. So as the article suggests, the shows might be very different for a while. But I am damn glad they will be back soon. ]]>