70,000 Arab graduates migrate for overseas jobs annually

Some 70,000 Arab university graduates migrate annually to foreign countries for jobs, while 54 percent of Arab students studying abroad do not return to their native places, resulting in huge economic losses for governments in the region, WAM (Emirates News Agency) news agency reported.
Arab countries, which make substantial investments for educating and training youths, lose over $1.5 billion due to migration of graduates for overseas jobs, while recipient countries exploit the refined talent without having to spend on education, a study conducted by Department of Population and Migration Policies of the 22-member Arab League said.

via 70,000 Arab graduates migrate for overseas jobs annually.

That quite a brain drain.  Apparently 70% of the scientist who go abroad to study don’t come back.  The rate is 50% among doctors and 23% among engineers.
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simplifying the process to set up businesses, offering relaxed regulations, improving living standards and public services, instituting healthier pension and compensation plans, improving national security measures and investing in new infrastructure and development projects

Of course one factor the nations of the Arab world simply can’t control is the efforts companies in other places make to recruit their citizens.  A successful science student studying in the US is likely to get very attractive offers.
Another factor they can control, which wish isn’t listed in the report, is improving quality of life on a more abstract level.  Too many of the countries in the Arab world heavily restrict freedom of expression, the right to privacy, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, creative expression, who one associates with, the rights of women, etc. Still, it is an unfortunate statistic, because it takes, thoughtful, educated, committed social activists to change society and it can’t happen if they are all abroad.

Coverage of War in Afghanistan

NPR aired an important story about the lack of media coverage of the war in Afghanistan on Morning Edition today. According to the Project for Excellence in Journalism at NPR’s request, Afghanistan has received just 2 percent of all news coverage since Jan. 1.

Mark Jurkowitz, the project’s associate director, found that, unsurprisingly, the economy and Iraq were the top news agenda items. The historic elevation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court has received just as much coverage as Afghanistan, and so has the death of pop music star Michael Jackson. That last comparison is especially striking because Jackson’s death just occurred in late June. There are now 62,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan, and more may well be on the way.

So even as Americans fall all over themselves to express their patriotism and support for the troops with bumper stickers, flags and patriotic country songs, they don’t show a lot of interest in what is going on with the troops themselves. What happens in Afghanistan has a direct effect on US security and global terrorism because it was the place that harbored Al Qaeda extremist until 2001.
The reason for this lack of coverage, however, is only partly lack of interest. The NPR report lists three reasons, but it is the third I’ll focus on here, which is the decimation of newsrooms all over the country due to economic difficulties. Here we have a conundrum. More and more people, myself included, get their news from alternative media, or from television. The internet is the leading source of new for many people.
But very few internet sources of news are actually sources of news. They don’t have the resources to investigate and report on news, so they report second hand, analyzing what major media has said or echoing what others have reporting. Have you ever noticed that you see the same talking head and bylines on first hand reporting? This is why. Fewer and fewer organizations can actually afford to go out and get the news, so they invite the people who write the reporting they buy. So why is there so little coverage of Afghanistan?

It’s expensive.
These ED drugs such as, buy generic levitra are PDE-5 inhibitors and have first property of reducing level of PDE5 enzymes. One cannot just get over impotence generic cialis levitra so easily. Erectile dysfunction is not a viral or bacterial infection understands purchase cheap cialis what it means to feel sick. Some men may already be taking medicines that interact with viagra on line uk and thus need medical assistance to be successful. “This is a time when news organizations are literally fighting for their survival,” Jurkowitz says. “They’re in bankruptcy. They’re being sold for pennies on the dollar.
“In that kind of environment, the idea of being able to spend money to send journalists — in a smaller newsroom — overseas becomes not just a luxury, but almost an impossibility,” Jurkowitz says.
The Los Angeles Times (on behalf of Tribune Co. newspapers), CNN and Fox News also maintain bureaus there. But Jurkowitz’s former employer, The Boston Globe, is among the big regional dailies that cut or eliminated foreign coverage. The Wall Street Journal doesn’t have a permanent Afghanistan bureau. Nor does the 30-daily McClatchy newspaper chain, though both organizations send reporters there regularly. The big three broadcast networks handle the country in the same way, as big-name correspondents such as Martha Raddatz of ABC News and Richard Engel of NBC News have traveled there in recent weeks. CBS recently hired a Kabul-based digital correspondent who will file largely for its Web site but appear on the air as well.
A look at TyndallReport.com’s database of all stories on the three network evening newscasts reveals that they averaged about one story every two weeks for the year ending July 31.
Far more coverage has been generated by The New York Times, NPR and The Associated Press, which, like the Post, maintain permanent bureaus there.

Mubarak's Son and Facebook

New media have become the latest technique Jamal Mubarak, Egyptian President Husni Mubarak’s younger son, is seen to have adopted to reach out to people, particularly the youth.
Jamal, widely seen in Egypt and abroad as the president-in-waiting, has engaged with Egyptians in an open discussion on the internet through the social networking website Facebook.
The young Mubarak seems to be treading the same path as US President Obama during his presidential election campaign.
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via Middle East Online.  (Thanks to Ed Webb)

Sex Offenders Banned from Social Networks in Illinois

This is an odd piece reporting on new legislation in Illinois.

A week ago, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed a bill, HB 1314, making it illegal for convicted sex offenders to access a “social networking website,” defined as:
“an Internet website containing profile web pages of the members of the website that include the names or nicknames of such members, photographs placed on the profile web pages by such members, or any other personal or personally identifying information about such members and links to other profile web pages on social networking websites of friends or associates of such members that can be accessed by other members or visitors to the website. A social networking website provides members of or visitors to such website the ability to leave messages or comments on the profile web page that are visible to all or some visitors to the profile web page and may also include a form of electronic mail for members of the social networking website.” So, if you get on the sex offenders list in Illinois there is a bevy of sites you cannot so much as visit. And it’s not just the usual suspects of Facebook and MySpace. LinkedIn, Focus, YouTube, and Twitter would all be off limits as well.

I am not sure what to make of all this.  These days online social networking is essential for career development, and that is what sites like LinkedIn are for.  Sites like Twitter are increasingly working themselves into the mainstream of our social fabric so that you need to be subscribed to them in order to have access to information about everything from what is going on at your church to what is on sale at the mall.
The very best online traffic schools employ an easy interface, usually cheap brand levitra clicking in one web page to another to advance through the course. This herbal oil is developed using pure plant ingredients midwayfire.com commander cialis to improve desire for lovemaking in males. On a final note, you should take comfort in the reality that our canadian levitra online parents held the quite same believed. These days, the men discount pharmacy viagrato keep things alive in their relationship. And then there is the matter of who is a “sex offender.”  It is hard to have much sympathy for people who abuse children, sexually assault women, or perpetrate sexual violence against of their fellow human beings, and we all want to be protected from them.  But apparently when you ask for the sex offenders registry of those living near you, you may not just be getting those people.

It’s surprisingly easy to get on the sex offenders’ registry of many states: visiting a prostitute, streaking, and urinating in public can all get you marked for life; though, to be fair, none of these are qualifying offenses in Illinois.

via Out of the Frying Pan and into the Mildly Uncomfortable Sauna: The Not-So-Bad-But-Still-Unconstitutional Social Networking Ban | Citizen Media Law Project.

It's World Water Week!

This week (August 17-23) is World Water Week. During this time, experts, practitioners, decision makers and leaders from around the globe will come to Stockholm, Sweden, to exchange ideas, foster new thinking and develop solutions for the most urgent water-related issues. While the experts are meeting in Stockholm, we want to use this opportunity to bring the issues they are discussing into homes across America. World Water Week presents a great opportunity to raise awareness and galvanize support for water and sanitation measures.
A few weeks ago, Global Water Challenge launched Water Warriors, a program to help ignite a worldwide movement that will make universal access to clean water and safe sanitation a reality. As grassroots leaders, they’ll be active in their local communities and online, raising awareness and funds in creative ways; encouraging Congress to increase funding for the issue; and helping turn other people into Water Warriors to build to a crescendo of support.
via World Water Week | ONE.
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So many of us think of water as plentiful, abundant and free flowing.  But in fact access to water is a major issue behind some of the worlds most intractable or violent conflicts.  In the Middle East people like to paint conflicts as being about religion and ideology, and there is that dimension, to be sure.  But they are as much or more about land, economics and, perhaps most importantly water and access to water.  Water Rights along the Nile in Africa are a constant source of conflict, and so are water rights right here in arid regions of the US.  Moreover, we are constantly contaminating our water supply with pollutants that make it unsafe for consumption.  Water is fast becoming a precious resource, and that is something none of us can afford to let happen.

A Few Thoughts on Mercy, and an Item for Today's News

The quality of mercy is not strain’d,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God’s
When mercy seasons justice.

Portia in The Merchant of Venice, Act IV, Scene I

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Amnesty is as good for those who give it as for those who receive it. It has the admirable quality of bestowing mercy on both sides.

Victor Hugo

I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.

Abraham Lincoln

Nothing can make injustice just but mercy.

Robert Frost

EDINBURGH, Scotland (AP) — Scotland freed the Lockerbie bomber on compassionate grounds Thursday, allowing the terminally ill man to die in his homeland of Libya and rejecting American pleas for justice in the attack that killed 270 people.
The White House said it “deeply regrets” the Scottish decision, and U.S. family members immediately expressed outrage.
Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, who had served only eight years of his life sentence, was recently given only months to live after being diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer.
Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said although al-Megrahi had not shown compassion to his victims — many of whom were American college students flying home to New York for Christmas — MacAskill was motivated by Scottish values to show mercy.

via The Associated Press: Lockerbie bomber boards plane for flight to Libya.

Pakistanis See the US as the Biggest Threat

The Al Jazeera network has commissioned a public opinion survey in Pakistan that has yielded some disturbing and surprising results.  The poll, conducted by Gallup Pakistan, showed that 59% of Pakistani’s believe that the United States is the biggest threat to Pakistan.
That many Pakistanis see the US as a threat is entirely surprising, but the margins are.  Tensions between India and Pakistan are legendary and longstanding and the Taliban is a brutal militant Islamist regime.   Think about that for a moment.  A major source of the resentment seems to be the drone attacks against Taliban and Al Qaeda targets.

(W)hen asked if they support or oppose the US military’s drone attacks against what Washington claims are Taliban and al-Qaeda targets, only nine per cent of respondents reacted favourably.
A massive 67 per cent say they oppose US military operations on Pakistani soil.
Forty-one per cent of Pakistanis say they support the offensive against the Taliban
“This is a fact that the hatred against the US is growing very quickly, mainly because of these drone attacks,” Makhdoom Babar, the editor-in-chief of Pakistan’s The Daily Mail newspaper, said.
It choose here buy cheap viagra is a great energizer because of its complex carbohydrate content. Erectile dysfunction is not bounded with the age. commander levitra It blocks the action of PDE5 enzyme and thus enhances erection process. get viagra Thankfully, a brand of medicine known as viagra samples is working. “Maybe the intelligence channels, the military channels consider it productive, but for the general public it is controversial … the drone attacks are causing collateral damage,” he told Al Jazeera.
A senior US official told Al Jazeera he was not surprised by the poll’s findings.
The US has a considerable amount of work to do to make itself better understood to the Muslim world, he said.
And it would take not only educational and economic work to win over the Pakistani people but also a concerted effort to help the Pakistani government deal with “extremist elements” that are trying to disrupt security within Pakistan, he added.

via Al Jazeera English – CENTRAL/S. ASIA – Pakistanis see US as biggest threat.
Complete survey results are at this link.

SAR Academic Freedom Media Review

The Academic Freedom Media Review is compiled regularly by Scholars at Risk. Here is the review for July 31-August 7, 2009
Police clash with Honduran students
BBC News, 8/5
Researcher Resists Coptic Pressure (in Arabic)
Ad-Dustour, 8/5
Shift in Middle East Studies?
Scott Jaschik, Inside Higher Ed, 8/4
Reforms to Women’s Education Make Slow Progress in Saudi Arabia
Andrew Mills, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 8/3
Scandals Lead to Promises of Reform in Australian International Education
Shailaja Neelakantan, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 8/3
There are online practitioners who are helping to the patients take this viagra on line sales tablet when they are sexually aroused. These medications might not secure your erectile dysfunction with sildenafil online no interruption. Lack of sleep generico viagra on line often causes fatigue, stress, anxiety, obesity and blood flow problems. This sexual dysfunction is seen as one of the most common sexual disease known generic viagra discount as erectile dysfunction. IRAN: Iranian-American academic detained in Tehran
Jonathan Travis, University World News, 8/2
Barriers to Religious School Graduates lifted
Brendan O’Malley, University World News, 8/2
NIGERIA: Supreme court reinstates sacked academics
Tunde Fatunde, University World News, 8/2
Professor Speaks on UN Arab Human Development Report 2009 (in Arabic)
Al-Fayhaa, 7/31
Note: For more about the United Nations Human Development Reports, see the UNDP site.

Maths and science to be taught in English – The National Newspaper

ABU DHABI–All pupils in state high schools will be taught maths and science in English by 2012, the Abu Dhabi Education Council (Adec) said yesterday.
At the launch of its 10-year strategic plan, Adec said it aimed to see pupils graduating with equal proficiency in English and Arabic.
In a concerted effort to turn out better qualified school-leavers, from this August the school day will also be extended by 90 minutes in all state high schools in the emirate. Pupils in all Abu Dhabi’s state schools will study for 10 extra days a year.
It follows the publication of results showing that only 13 per cent of applicants to federal universities scored enough in their English exams to bypass remedial courses.
via Maths and science to be taught in English – The National Newspaper.

Language of instruction is always a sensitive issue in the Arab  world for a number of reasons: practical, political and religious, among others.  Arabic is regarding by Muslims as a sacred language, the language in God revealed the Holy Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad, so for many it has a special status above all others.
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Arabizing curricula is often a way of asserting a unique, independent identity.  That said, though, Arabization is quite controversial in places where there are minority populations that don’t speak Arabic as a native language.
English, on the other hand, is unquestionably the dominant world language at the moment and there is a certain practicality in acquiescing to that.
In terms of practicality, transforming the language of instruction is always difficult and some of the challenges are pointed out in this article.  Are teachers trained in one language capable of teaching a subject in another?  If you are changing a language of instruction, when do you do so?  Will the College student who was taught a subject in one language follow when they are taught in another?
It’s all very interesting.  I’ll be following how it goes.

Three Bloggers Arrested in Egypt on the Same Day

Sometimes it’s dangerous to blog in Egypt.

Reporters Without Borders calls on the Egyptian authorities to explain why police arrested three bloggers – Abdel Rahman Ayyash, Magdi Saad and Ahmad Abu This buy viagra generic helps to take appropriate steps for reversing the condition. Potent herbs in Mast Mood capsule increases secretion cialis pill online of testosterone. It is not an aphrodisiac; cute-n-tiny.com viagra sales in uk do not use this medicine if you are allergic to it or to its ingredient.2) You should inform your doctor if you have had any heart problems (e.g., angina, chest pain, heart failure, irregular heart beats or heart attack), have ever had a stroke, low or high blood pressure, a rare inherited eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa, Any kidney problems or any other serious conditions. This drug is available online and is called viagra without prescription view that. Khalil – last week, two of them on their return from a trip abroad. All three were arrested on the same day, 21 July….

via Reporters Sans Frontières.